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The third win was done!
The third win was done!
Szili István won his third professional fight at the boxing gala organized at Klingentalturnhalle...
As a boxer I can advance by the help of hard fight and continuous work.
All the words of encouragement and best wishes confirm me that I am on the right track in my professional boxing career, swing me over the deadlocks and hearten me to continue boxing.
Write something to me, your messages can be read here!
2010.10.03. 15:56
(Switzerland, Berne)
Gratuliere Champ! Well done!!!!
2010.04.19. 11:08
(Schweiz, Bern)
Gratuliere Dir zum Sieg!!! Weiter so!!
2010.03.28. 11:13
(Switzerland, Thun)
...good pictures ;-) guter fotograf ,-))))
Ich hoffe du hast dich von gestern gut erholt - see you soon - 3x "ring frei" & greets
2010.03.19. 16:39
(Schweiz, Bern)
Hi!!!! Deine Website gefällt mir super!! Schon jetzt wünsche ich Dir viel Erfolg bei Deinem 4. Profikampf!!! Ich werde dabei sein und bin Dein grösster Fan!!! Liebi Grüessli Caro
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